Christian G. Sperandio


One day,I was reading messages on a mac site and I found one guy who regretted Apple don't provide a simple viewer for picture like we can find on Windows. It's true that iPhoto can seem too heavy to do it. Indeed,I propose to the guy (Seb) my help to develop this tool. A new project was born :-)
Current status
Version 0.4 is available.
Release Note
0.5 : correct memory leak and positioning of delete button. Add mouse wheel management (window mode), catch arrows key and space to browse and select picture.
0.4 : adds fullscreen mode, deletion, open file menu item.
0.3 : first release

Application icon
The application icon was designed by Gregory Delattre and he let me to use it. I thank this guy and I invit you to visit his website.

If you have any questions or suggests about iFastViewer, click here (or mail to with subject: [iFastViewer] suggests).

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My projects: iFastViewer | CD2Tunes | iBouquinTek | iFastViewer | Task Timer

copyleft Sperandio Christian 2005
If you have any questions, send to me an email